Unhealthy Bearded Dragon Poop – Cause & Solution!

As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to take good care of your bearded dragon, and this includes monitoring their poop. Bearded dragons are known for their regular, solid, and well-formed poop, so a change in their normal poop consistency and frequency can be a sign that there is something wrong. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment of unhealthy bearded dragon poop.

Unhealthy Bearded Dragon Poop

Causes of Unhealthy Bearded Dragon Poop

There are several factors that can cause unhealthy bearded dragon poop, including:

Inadequate hydrationHard, dry, and crumbly poopEnsure that your bearded dragon has access to clean water at all times and soak them in lukewarm water for 15-20 minutes daily.
Poor dietLoose and watery, inconsistent poopAdopt a well-balanced diet for your bearded dragon, including a variety of vegetables and insects.
Parasitic infectionsIncreased frequency of poop, change in color, and consistencyConsult a veterinarian and follow the prescribed medication.
Respiratory infectionsPooping outside the litter box. Difficulty breathing.Consult a veterinarian and follow the prescribed medication.
BrumationLack of poop, infrequency of poop, prolonged periods without defecation.Ensure that your bearded dragon receives regular vet checkup to deal with this.

Symptoms of Unhealthy Bearded Dragon Poop

Bearded dragon poop should be regular, well-formed, and should not have any odor. The following are signs that your bearded dragon is experiencing unhealthy poop:

  • Discoloration: The poop is not brown or has noticeable blood
  • Consistency: The poop is too hard, runny, or inconsistent
  • Odor: The poop emanates a foul or strong smell which is not normal
  • Undigested food: Normal cheese/red-colored poops are just, but when it includes fresh vegetables or fruit-like, there’s a problem
  • General discomfort: Lack of appetite, lethargy, or lethargic behavior

Treatment of Unhealthy Bearded Dragon Poop

Treatment of unhealthy bearded dragon poop depends on the underlying cause. If the issue is related to hydration, increasing water consumption and consistent hydration routines will solve this issue. Additionally, Insects without enough hydration could burn down let alone cause a blockage in the stomach, so it’s essential to avoid overfeeding fatty insects that could cause this condition. Moreover, in therapeutic procedures, it’s crucial to soak and hydrate your pet frequently.

If the issue is related to diet or digestive problems, providing a proper and balanced diet containing fruits, vegetables, and protein sources including insects like crickets, but only in moderation could help. This treatment is not an overnight solution, so it’s essential to monitor your pet’s digestive system and eating habits.

When it comes to addressing infections or other medical conditions, visiting a veterinarian for physical examination and diagnosis is important. Infections and diseases have several treatment options, such as medications, which will help alleviate the problem depending on the diagnosis.

Frequently Asked Questions On Unhealthy Bearded Dragon Poop

What Causes Unhealthy Bearded Dragon Poop?

Unhealthy bearded dragon poop may be caused by parasitic infections, diet imbalances, or dehydration.

What Should I Do If My Bearded Dragon Has Unhealthy Poop?

Consult a veterinarian who specializes in reptiles to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.

How Can I Prevent My Bearded Dragon From Having Unhealthy Poop?

Provide a well-balanced diet, adequate hydration, clean living conditions, and regular parasite checks to ensure good health.


Unhealthy bearded dragon poop can be a sign of an underlying health problem in your pet. When you notice inconsistency in the poop color, frequency, or consistency, it’s essential to carefully monitor the situation and it’s time to take your pet to an experienced veterinarian if the situation remains unchanged. With appropriate care, timely intervention, and a well-balanced diet, you can maintain the health and well-being of your bearded dragon and live happily ever after.

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